

냉방 중지 및 에어컨 리모컨 반납안내 Discontinue of A/C

작성 :
시설관리팀 (2023-09-26)
읽음 :
분류 : 공통

냉방 중지 및 에어컨 리모컨 반납 안내


1.    냉방 중지일 : 2023. 10. 4.()

2.    에어컨 리모컨 반납 : 2023. 10. 4() ~ 2023. 10. 15()

3.    반납장소 : 각 학사 로비 관리실 (4학사는 B1 행정실)

4.    유의사항 : 리모컨 분실, 파손 시 사용자(학생)가 변상해야 합니다 (비용: 15,000/)


2023. 9. 26




Discontinue of air-conditioning service

In our ongoing sustainability commitment, we will discontinue the air-conditioning service in the dormitories

starting on 4th October 2023. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated. 

For questions or concerns, please contact our dormitory management team.


1.    Date of discontinue: 4th Oct 2023

2.    Returning A/C remote control: until 15 Oct 2023 to each building’s security office

(B1 housing office for Muak 4 residents)/

3.    Caution: For any loss or damage to the A/C remote control, the student user should compensate himself. (The fee is KRW 15,000/each)


2023. 9. 26

Housing Office