[2024 WAY] NO FURTHER APPLICATION SCHEDULE for General period applicants
- 작성 :
- 시설관리팀 (2024-10-29)
- 읽음 :
- 1,114
We regret to inform you that due to a high number of students on the wait list, there will be no further application schedule.
Find the below links of some off-campus options, but still bear in mind that Yonsei have no relationship or affiliation with these accommodations.
l ENKORSTAY: https://stay.enkor.kr/
l Wehome: https://www.wehome.me/en
l Stay14: https://stay14.com/
l Episode Yongsan 241 (newly added!) : https://epsales.notion.site/Winter-Abroad-at-Yonsei-X-Episode-146f2d59e6d580e68ceee7c1303d3376?pvs=4